Helping individuals find spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through an understanding of how spirit/soul consciousness operates through the body

Spirit Release - Therapists

The following list gives names of practitioner members of the Spirit Release Forum who may be able to offer help with a range of cases that stem from imbalances between Soul and the body. Into this category comes those cases of individuals who believe that they have spirit attachments, invasions or similar psychic issues. The names are listed alphabetically. Please click the relevant link for UK and Overseas.

United Kingdom

Disclaimer: The therapists listed here are done as a convenience to our visitors. If you use them, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the effect of your contact.

United Kingdom
Pat Bromley
Pat Bromley College of Homeopathy, National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Master Practitioner NLP, Spirit Release Foundation, Reiki Training Centre, Akashic Records

Therapies Offered: Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Spirit Release/Rescue , direct and remote, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Regression, Spiritual Counselling, Earth Energy Healing, Akashic Record Readings, Reiki

Location(s): Poole, Dorset and Phone/Skype

Nicola Dexter
Nicola Dexter Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner of NLP, Registered Practitioner of Holistic Hypnotherapy, Advanced Practitioner of EFT, member of the Hypnotherapy Association, member of the Past Life Therapists Association

Therapies Offered: Soirit Release Therapy, Soul Retrieval, Ancestral Healing, spiritual healing, space clearing, removing attachments, clearing black magic, clearing witchcraft, clearing curses, clearing voodoo, removing love spells. Clearing bad luck and bad karma. Removing thought forms/servitors/golems.

Location(s): Camden, London and Derby although most work is done remotely www.nicolajanedexter.com www.worldwidehealingprayers.com

Paula Fenn
Paula Fenn Diploma in Regression Therapy, Diploma in Past Life Regression, Diploma in Full Spectrum Healing, Certificate in Hypnosis, Masters in Counselling, Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Therapies Offered: Spirit Release, Removal of Embodied Spirit Attachments, Removal of Dark and Intrusive Energy, Space Clearing, Past Life Regression, Current Life Regression, Body Therapy, Inner Child Therapy, Hypnosis, Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Counselling and Accompaniment.

Location(s): Rode (Near Bath), Somerset
www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellor_25830.html 01373-831048

David Furlong
David Furlong Ph.D., M. Msc., Dip. SR., FCOH., ITEC. A Fellow and founder member of the College of Healing and Director of the Spirit Release Forum; he has been a therapist for more than 45 years and is the main tutor of the Spirit Release Forum

Therapies Offered: Spirit Release, Soul Integration, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Regression treatments, Clearing dark and negative energy attachments and curses; Spiritual Counselling and Home Energy Balancing. David is the author of 5 books including Healing Your Ancestral Patterns, Working With Earth Energies and The Healer Within.

Location(s): Violet Hill Studios, London NW5 and Great Malvern, Worcs
Phone and Skype Sessions available
www.davidfurlong.co.uk +44 1684-569105

Frida Maria Furlong
Frida Maria Furlong MA (SEN), BA (Social Sciences), Dip. SR, PGCE, ITEC (Holistic Therapist) & Reiki Master

Therapies Offered: Counselling & Spiritual Guidance. Clairvoyant Intuitive Insight in tackling various Psychological & Physical Issues. Spiritual Release, Rebalancing & Self Empowerment. Available: 20mins+ sessions for clarifying specific issues

Location(s): All consultations are online via Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp & messenger or phone.

Giancarlo Serra
Giancarlo Serra My training in healing and therapy work includes two years of study at the College of Psychic Studies (London – 2011-2013), two years of Past Life and Regression Therapy training at the Past Life Regression Academy in England (2012-2014), one year of Spiritual Counselling training at the School of Intuition and Healing (London – 2015-2016) as well as further training in Practical Spirituality and Wellness with William Bloom (London – 2017-2018), Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki (Kurama, Japan – 2018) and Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® (Jerusalem, Israel – 2019) with William Lee Rand and Usui/Tibetan Training with Doug Buckingham. I trained in Spirit Release Therapy with David Furlong, Sue Allen and Andy Tomlinson.

Therapies Offered: I am a practicing healer, past life regression therapist and Reiki teacher.

I offer in person consultations in London. Online consultations via Zoom, Skype or telephone. In-person consultations and courses are in London, United Kingdom.

Reiki courses are offered to both beginners and experienced healers, therapists, medical doctors, and complementary health practitioners. Training programmes have been verified and accredited by the UK Reiki Federation and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

Location(s): London, United Kingdom
Cagliari, Italy
www.giancarloserra.org +447786497360

Barbara Toovey
Barbara Toovey Cert. Hickman Academy Depossession Institute UK for Non-directive Hypnotherapy, Direct, Indirect and Remote Spirit Releasement PG Cert SDLP (FE) Dyslexia, C&G 7307 Teaching in Further and Adult Education

Therapies Offered: Remote Spirit Release is carried out on a psychic/higher frequency level at a distance from the client. Past/other life influences, attaching energy beings, results of spells, curses,rituals, earth-bound deceased (ghosts), unprocessed emotional debris from current or other life, other life-forms, off- planetary and inter-dimensional etc. Properties and land also cleared. All work is based on loving and kind approaches, irrespective of type of problem.
Full typed Report given

Location(s): World wide
01785 780111

Magalie Valadier
Magalie Valadier Magalie Valadier NIMH (National Institute of Medical Herbalists) accredited Medical Herbalist, a facilitator with Birth into Being, and a Spirit Release and Soul Integration Therapist.

Therapies Offered: Herbal First Aid , Herbal consultation, Inner work therapy (early life trauma, energy clearing, past life regression, space clearing, ancestral healing, energetics bodywork ).

Location(s): Great Missenden (HP16) or Zoom
www.moonherbs.co.uk 07950525962

Anne De Ligne
Anne De Ligne Advanced hypnotherapist (National Guild of hypnotherapists) ; radiesthesist.

Therapies Offered: Hypnotherapy, regressions, past life therapy, soul retrieval, ancestral healing.

Location(s): 8 rue de Pavie, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
presences.be +32 496 873214

Ximena Escudero
Ximena Escudero psychologist, psychotherapist

Therapies Offered:


Paul O'Halloran
Paul O'Halloran Advanced Shamanism; Geopathic stress healing; Divining; Munay Ki rites; Reiki and Seichim SKHM Master.

Therapies Offered: Spiritual Healing and Spirit Release – working for the removal of unwanted energies, curses, possessions, past life and ancestral issues and the healing of any other unbalanced energies in people, houses and on land.

Location(s): Galway, Eire and N. Ireland
pathwayteaching.com +353 (0)86 8525529

George Worley
George Worley Master's of Transpersonal Psychology /Applied Spirituality and Certified Hypnotherapist by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Certified Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists and Certified Regression Hypnotist by Atlantic University. Certified in Applied Spirituality by Atlantic University and member of National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists and National Guild of Hypnotists

Therapies Offered: Spirit Release in conjunction with hypnotherapy

Location(s): Home Office or Via Zoom or other online modalities.


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