Helping individuals find spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing through an understanding of how spirit/soul consciousness operates through the body

Spirit Release - Practitioners Training Course Part 1

Spirit Release and the Healing of Ego State (Sub-Personality) Trauma

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Terms and conditions
PT 2 - Diploma Training Course

Online Practitioner Training Course PT1

This online course, which is being continually updated in the light of new insights in ‘spirit release’ techniques is designed to give students a thorough grounding in healing ego-state traumas and the release of attached or invasive spirit entities. Ego-states, a term coined by Watkins (1997), and are also known as ‘subpersonalities’ (Rowan, 1989), ‘parts’ (Schwartz, 1997) or ‘alters’ (Braude,1988). The course involves learning how to work creatively with clients by accessing into the layered realms below the conscious mind, where trauma and spirit attachments reside. This is approached through the wisdom of the ‘Higher-Self’ (H-S), to ensure proper resolution and integration. Inner trauma, which is held in dissociative ego-states, is the gateway for spirit attachment and invasion. Students are taught how to differentiate different types of spirit entity, to help their removal and to heal the ego-state trauma so that the doors can be securely closed to any further incursions.

Students are encouraged to develop their own approach and to use their intuition during client inductions so that they can be more effective therapists in helping their process. Some techniques demand an ability to utilise psychic energy in a healing modality, but most aspects can be resolved by using specific techniques that draw on the wisdom and support of client’s own (H-S) consciousness. This training is experientially based, and students will be expected to work on their own issues as part of the inner development work.

Background Experience

We expect trainees to have a background experience in some form of therapeutic practice, such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, regression or spiritual healing (Reiki). As part of the learning process students need to be open to exploring their own issues through ‘one to one’ sessions that entail accessing the deeper layers of their mind through a ‘light trance’ or an altered state of consciousness.
A minimum of eight recorded online one to one practice sessions (two per module) between students will need to be carried out throughout the course. These will be in addition to the formal training sessions

What students have said about the course:

"Thoroughly enjoyed it. Met brilliant people."
"I found the course very knowledgeable, helping me gain clarity and increased confidence."
"Excellent... a good balance between informative teaching and practical exercises."
"Well planned and thought out. The course covers a lot of ground."


Module A
Intuitive diagnostic techniques
Connecting to the soul consciousness
Linking to the Higher-Self (H-S) and its role in therapeutic work
Strengthening the Core-Self (C-S)
Clearing, cleansing and setting positive atmospheres in rooms
Clearing ancestral blocks Part 1 & 2
Group soul rescue work exercise
Self-healing and balancing techniques

Module B
The induction process
Trauma, ego-states and sub-personalities
Inner archetypes and ego-state groupings
The role of Soul wounds
– rejection, abandonment, betrayal, denial and abuse
Practical student swap sessions using induction processes
Past lives – accessing the karmic layer demonstration
Taking case histories
Protocols for clearing spirit attachments and possession states
Feedback and discussion

Module C
Engaging the inner protectors and rescurers
Working through ego-state blocks
Looking at skills involved to release different types of spirit entities
Looking at the ‘shadow’ and ‘dark’ beings
Working with mythological tools to effect inner change
Practical student swap session using induction processes
Feedback and discussion

Module D
The psychic/mediumistic approach Part 1 & 2
Levels of attachment and releasing shadow entities
Working with guides at an intuitive level
Earth energy anomalies that affect places
Group healing for landscape traumas such as battle sites
Inner balancing and cleansing techniques

Course Dates: 2025
All training is now held online.

The course dates for 2025 will be:

Module A: Feb 28 - Mar 1 (Friday & Saturday)
Module B: Apr 4 -5 (Friday & Saturday)
Module C: May 2 - 3 (Friday & Saturday)
Module D: May 30 - 31(Friday & Saturday).

Note: Part 2 training will be run in the winter of 2025.

Course times
This course will be run over two days (Friday and Saturday). There will be 3 one and half hour online sessions each day, which will include experiential sessions. The sessions will be recorded and available for download by the course participants. These timings allow for participation by those living in the Americas.

Session 1 - 12:30 to 14:00 (all times GMT or BST)
Session 2 - 14:20 to 15:50
Session 3 - 16:20 to 17:50

David Furlong PhD

The full fee for the course is £1120 (£280 per two-day block) or £1070 if made as a single payment.
The course fee includes course training manuals for each part and slide notes.

Booking and enquiries
To book on this course please download and fill in the booking form and return this along with your deposit or full fee to:
The Secretary, Spirit Release Forum,
Myrtles, Como Road, Malvern, Worcs WR14 2TH
Tel: +44(0) 1684 569105 or

Terms and conditions
Please note that all courses are subject to the terms and conditions of booking.
Please click here to view and download.

The course is open to members of the Spirit Release Forum. The fee payment can be made either as one single payment for the whole course of £1070 or divided into four equal payments of £280 each. In this case the first payment needs to be a made a minimum of 30 days before the start of Module A, the second payment before Module B and the third and fourth payment before Module C & D.

Payment can be made using online banking, through the following details: account owner: SRF (Universal) Ltd.
Account number: 73486818. Sort Code: 20-98-61.
IBAN GB BARC 2098 6173 4868 18; SWIFTBIC BARCGB22,
Please add your name and specific course details as a reference.

Alternatively payments can be made online using PayPal, which allows you to pay by credit card.
Please note if paying by PayPal that there is an additonal increase charge of 3.4% to cover the credit card charges to us.

For courses well in advance a deposit fee of £50:00 can be made but balances must be paid a minimum 30 days before course commences.

Click the relevant logo below and follow the instructions.

Deposit Fee

Full Course Fee Deposit Paid
Part Course Fee Deposit Paid

Full Course Fee No Deposit Part Course Fee No Deposit

If you wish to pay by cheque make payable to SRF(Universal)Ltd and mail to the above address.

Part 2 - Diploma Course Training 2025
Part 2 (PT2) of the diploma course will be held in the Winter of 2025. For details of the Diploma courses please see: http://www.spiritrelease.org/pract2_crse.php

By becoming a member of the Spirit Release Forum you will receive substantial benefits in reduction in future course fees as well as keeping abreast of all of the latest information and developments.
Join now at the time of making your booking and receive your £10:00 members discount on the normal course fee. Please note: It is a prerequisite that you are a member if you wish to attend the professional training programme.

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